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Lookout For Sugar

hidden sugar

Know the Truth:  “You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is good for you. You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is beneficial.” 1 Corinthians 10:23

Here’s the truth–leave food alone that have high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS).

Don’t believe it when they say it’s the same as sugar. It’s what make junk food “junk”. It’s easier for our bodies to process sugar than HFCS which makes it a greater contributor health ailments such as obesity, diabetes, and more. It is many foods so be sure to read the food labels. You can find it in many soft drinks, processed foods, chips, breads, candy, flavored yogurts, salad dressings, canned vegetables, and cereals. While high-fructose corn syrup should be avoided so should the other sugary foods that add on the calories.

The non-corn sugars in our diets don’t help our health and waistlines. It has been claimed that “the average American eats more than 30 teaspoons of sugar a day — that’s more than 114 pounds of sugar a year!”

We need some sugar for energy. That’s why God give us a sweet tooth. The World Health Organization recommends no more than 12 to 15 teaspoons a day, or 48 to 60 grams. Don’t push the limits. Eat as little as possible to save the calories for that special piece of cake you’ll want later on. Your best bet is to keep that amount as low as possible.

So you know sugar when you see it, but avoid the hidden aliases of sugar. Look for anything that ends in “ose”. Here a a few sweetners to avoid as much as possible.

The “oses” –Dextrose, Fructose, Galactose, Glucose, Lactose, Sucralose, Sucrose

Fruit juice concentrates

Honey, Malt, Molasses, Sacharin, Splenda, Aspartame

Syrup — corn, malt, rice and maple

So what should you eat. Personally I stick to pure sugar. I don’t recommend artificial sweetners, but Stevia, and Truvia are more recommended. Other sweetners to have in moderation are pure maple syrup, agave syrup, wild organic raw honey, and cane juice.

Recognize what you are eating. Sugar is everywhere. God made it so it must be good, but not everything is good for you.

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